Reflecting God's Image in Our Relationships
In our journey of faith, we often reflect on how we bear God's image in various aspects of our lives—our minds, emotions, and communities. But today, I want to explore a crucial area where God’s image is profoundly reflected: our relationships. This aspect of our humanity, I believe, is central to our calling as followers of Christ, and it’s where the rubber meets the road in our walk with Him.
Mindful Discipleship: The Role of Thinking in Christian Faith
This week’s focus in our Being Human series is on the mind. For those who typically navigate life through feelings, diving into the topic of thinking might feel like a stretch, but it’s an essential part of spiritual growth. The mind is a gift from God, and Scripture has a lot to say about how believers are called to use it in their journey of faith.
Embracing Our Emotions as God’s Image Bearers
Emotions, often seen as unreliable or even dangerous, were given a fresh perspective as a vital aspect of our humanity and our relationship with God.
Embracing Community: The Heart of Being Human
In the third part of our "Being Human" series Linda explores what it means to be created to live in community with one another. From the very beginning, God saw that it was not good for us to be alone but rather to be in relationships.
Made in His Image: The Spiritual Significance of Our Physical Bodies
Have you ever marvelled at what the human body can do? Whether it's watching the world's top athletes push their physical limits at the Olympics, witnessing the grace of a professional dancer, or simply savouring a perfectly cooked meal, there’s something awe-inspiring about the human experience. These moments remind us that our physical bodies, far from being mundane, are a remarkable gift from God.
Rediscovering Our True Identity: What It Means to Be Human
Tim Horman explores what it means to be created in the image of God. Tim discusses modern culture's emphasis on self-determination and the resulting mental health crisis, emphasising that true identity and worth come from being God’s beloved creations.